Yamaguchi WB18-DTB SWIVEL

Year: 2024, Price: 19,750 GBP

Yamaguchi WB18-DTB SWIVEL

Basic information
Product groupTracked dumpers
BrandYamaguchi WB18-DTB SWIVEL
Year of manufacture2024
Machine LocationMoss Road Kearsley Bolton BL4 8NE, United Kingdom
CountryUnited Kingdom
Choose currency 
Price excl. VAT19,750 GBP 
VAT (20%)3,950 GBP 
Price incl. VAT23,700 GBP 
Other informationRide on tracked dumper
Diesel engine
Message to the seller of this Yamaguchi WB18-DTB SWIVEL
Select contact
Craig Taylor
Moss Road, Lancashire, Bolton, Lancashire, BL4 8NE
Telephone:+44 441 204 791 122
Mobile phone:+44 7725124073
Fax:+44 1206273111
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